I don’t want anyone reading this to know that I wrote it. I am scared of a data leak. Do I want my name on my class website? Because I am writing this, someone could figure out that its me. Maybe. Is my signature already on it - like invisible ink? After all, I am “author and architect simultaneously” (Schwultz 2018). If I am making a website and pouring time into it, it will become a world which, in some way, resembles my thoughts and thought process. Someone could see the code I wrote through their browser and see how I name things. That’s really scary. Even if it was possible, do I even want to remain anonymous? If my purpose is contributing to the rebuilding of the comptutocracy, does excluding my name take away from the strength of my position? Does my name mean anything?
I’m not mad that it took my 2 hours to write this because I got lost on are.na.
I hate it when links don’t open into a new window. Is that me resisting the rabbit hole? Why does Min’s website do this?